Sunday, July 28, 2013

Negative Space Challenge Quilt

My Modern Quilt Guild has a challenge to create a negative space quilt and my idea was to incorporate a tablecloth that had belonged to my mother in law as the top.  A plain white 37x37 inch tablecloth that she used mainly on a card table to set out desserts.  This cloth had been a cut down from a table cloth she had bought from a hotel sale for less than a dollar in the 50s.  She was one to never waste anything and was always ready to repurpose.  I thought it would honor her legacy of this thriftyness and use a beautiful cloth.  Yea, the cloth has some stains but it has in life been laudered I dare not guess how many times.  It worked beautifully and while it was a very loose weave and quilting had its challenges, I love the quality of that cotton, the light pattern in the material and the memories woven into its cloth.  I "copied" a quilt I saw on blog  Just a fun happy pattern.   When my husband saw it he asked if this was the new cloth for the RV that he wanted.  It had not crossed my mind, but it is perfect for that.  So now a new table cloth for fun traveling.

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