Sunday, December 8, 2019

New Hip

New hip is great and while cannot sew for a few weeks on machine there is that knitting going on.


  1. That's good news. Like you, I have other things I can do with my hands if I can't be at the machine. What are you knitting?

  2. I am knitting a hat and my youngest son wants socks, so that will be the next thing on the needles I love actually the slow down this hip time has given me. I find it pleasant to sit and knit and not wonder what I might or should be doing. Less is more sometimes.

  3. Oh, I so agree. I minded a lot less than I thought I would when I had to take a break from quilting because of a pinched nerve in my neck. It allowed me to get around to so many other things that got shoved to the bottom of my priority list. I haven't knitted a hat for decades! When I took up knitting again after moving back to Idaho, I got fascinated with the patterns available for scarves and cowls. But there must be more to knitting life than that (although I'm not ready to tackle a sweater again and there's a limit to how many scarves one needs or can give away), so I tried my hand at socks. Picked a bad pattern I think and not all that keen on the outcome, but now want to try one knitted from the toe up using some legitimate sock thread. Knitting has always been a bit like hand quilting for me - meditative and I love watching the pattern emerge.
