Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Guild Swap - Fort Worth (TX) to Capital District (NY)

 I participated in the guilds swap this month and had so much fun with mine. I love this pattern I just did as my own design....Create is what we do as quilters. It is simple half square triangles that finish 1.5" and paper pieced letters. Quilting radiates from the center where I see the heart of all we do as quilters starts from...our hearts. Loved doing this for my swap partner Judy who had as favorite colors blue and brown. 



1 comment:

  1. I love this block done up into a big quilt where you sort of lose track of where one block ends and the next one starts. And done in blues like this, you begin to see shimmering waters. Love that backing fabric! What a nice little quilt to hang in your friend's studio.
